OmnipotentPlatypus was set up when a group of friends decided that they may as well work on end game together. Having said that, newer members will not be excluded in favour of older members. Events will generally be decided based on members' suggestions and profits will be split up equally. Gear on the other hand will follow the rule of "if you can use it, you can lot it" with some restrictions.

While we may not be actively recruiting we would welcome members based on the following criteria:
1. Do not be an imbecile.
2. Know one of the current established members.
3. Any grudges you may have with members should be forgotten.
4. Do not be an imbecile. You might think we are joking, but we aren't.

Pearled members will undergo a trial period. Please tell us about yourself when you apply.
You must be logged into Guildwork in order to apply and/or view your application status.